We have spent more time looking for land and are discovering that it is a little harder than we thought. Since we want to be able to keep the RV at our new home we need about 2 acres to have room to build the house and an RV barn. Most of the land we are finding is in subdivisions that have deed restrictions that are stricter than we want or the land cost way more than we want to pay. Our realtor gave us an extensive list to review and we have managed to pare it down two subdivisions. One we preferred because of location and the other because of the cost. The location one we missed out on as someone made an offer on the day we had decided we were interested. It was a little more costly than we wanted so that made that decision easy for us. The other we made an offer on but the seller was not a motivated seller and not willing to lower their price, they were wanting way more than the comps in the area. We decided to pass on it and resume our search when we get back from Florida.
We did find a builder that we liked after visiting around 6 different custom builders. We have picked out a plan and discussed the modifications that we would want. The builder arranged for us to to go see an example of the same floor plan that they had already built for someone and that helped me get a better understanding of how it would look. The house might be a little larger than we need so we need to decide if we want to go smaller. The whole point of selling our house was to build smaller.
We did drive back up to Jerry and Georgiana’s right after Christmas to pick up Bruce’s truck. We had been storing it there while traveling so that Jerry could drive it each week to make sure it did not develop any issues just sitting stored some place. Bruce drove it the two weeks we stayed at the farm but Jerry is still living in Tyler so we are going keep it with us until we leave for Florida. We will then drop it off with Pam, she barely has room for it in her garage but she said she would keep it for now and take it for an occasional drive.
Had great news today, Georgiana is being moved to a nursing home close to home. She will be there for about 2 months then she will go to physical therapy. She will get some therapy at the nursing home but needs to get a little more strength before she can handle extensive therapy.